Family trip to NY

Derron had a speaking event in New York so we added on a few extra days and made it a family trip of course. We love traveling with the dude. I’m not saying that our lifestyle hasn’t changed since becoming parents because it definitely has, however we strongly believe that it’s important for our children to adapt to our life and not the other way around.

Traveling with a baby is so much fun! Yep I said it lol Kingston is at such a fun age, he is so curious and it truly is amazing to watch him experience things for the first time. Kingston took his first flight at 8 weeks old & we haven’t stopped since. I know it can seem daunting to travel with a baby, trust me I was nervous & anxious about it too. Double & triple checking my list but we did it & once we did, it didn’t seem so overwhelming anymore.

Give yourself plenty of time, lots of grace & snacks, pack. so. many. snacks. Put diapers & wipes in every bag & just go with the flow.


Kingston’s Daily Smoo-dee


Kingston’s 9 month well visit.