Kingston’s 9 month well visit.

It’s that time! As first time parents I feel like going to the Pediatrician is like going to the principals office right? For the first 6 months of Kingston’s life he was a ‘slow gainer’ he was always on the low end of the weight percentile & our pediatrician made us(by us, I mean me) feel like we were failing.

We started solids at 6 months using the Baby led weaning method & have never looked back. Kingston LOVES food, like so much lol. He shot up from the 10th weight percentile to the 50th woo hoo!! Of course the Doc didn’t really think it was that big of a deal & proceeded to tell us what to watch out for next. OK Doc, a little positivity wouldn’t hurt gees. Anyway watch the video above for some cute baby rolls.


Family trip to NY


Honey-do list!